The great wall of sindh (Pakistan)

                                   The unknown mystery of sindh

Sindh is one of the provience in Pakistan where the RANIKOT FORT is near the Jmashoro Dist of Sindh. The RANIKOT FORT wall is known to be world's largest wall 32 km. The fort's ramparts have been compared to the Great wall of chine.

The original purpose and architects of Ranikot Fort are unknown. However, it is believed that the fort was built during the regimes of the Sassanians, the Scythians, the Parthians or the Bactrian Greeks.

 Archaeologists point to the 17th century as the time of its first construction but sindh archologists now agree that some of the present structures were reconstructed by Talpurs in 1812 at a cost of 1.2 million rupees (Sindh Gazetteer, 677). The battlements of Ranikot formed the last capital of the Amirs of Sind, when they were brought under the colonial rule of the British Empire. Radiocarbon tests were conducted at the Sann Gate on the charcoal embedded in the mortar of a collapsed pillar of the eastern gate of the fort. 

These tests have confirmed that this gate was probably renovated between the early part of the 18th century and the early part of the 19th century, prior to Britain invading the fort when the Kalhouras, or most likely the Talpur Mirs of Sindh ruled over the area.


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